Monday, April 7, 2008

Asia'h Epperson Loves Nice People

If you are here for the first time, a very warm welcome to you, and thanks for visiting my blog, Asia'h Epperson.

Recently there is some confusion and misunderstanding between Asia'h Epperson and a fellow blogger. If you don't know what's going on, you might want to read this, this and this.

Now, I am very happy that after all the confusion and misunderstanding and a few posts on my blog, everything is finally clarified and cleared.

So, I thought Asia'h Epperson should write something about it.

People are actually nice and friendly or to be more precise, fellow bloggers are nice people. There is this nice guy, Griz, who teach us how to make money online using blogger platform. There is also this nice guy called Vic, who show you the way to make money online.

And, without forgetting this nice guy blog, Fly Fishing for Beginners, who readily admit a mistake make and put in the effort to say it and rectify it.

And, I want to tell you guys that, you are great. Asia'h Epperson loves you.

Of course, not everything is nice in the internet world. There are also blogger who claimed to show you how to make money online, but, all they did are just keep pushing affiliate products to you without actually showing you how to do it, and they are also people who claim to make thousands and thousands of dollar without actually telling you how they make it.

So, end of the day, you really need to open your eyes and see clearly, who is really the real thing.

Asia'h Epperson has been reading blogs for the past 1 year, come across many big blogs about make money online, including those A-Listers. To think that I almost started my blog in the same way of those blogs is really scary. I was almost sold on their idea, but luckily, somehow, I come across Vic and Griz site.

Now, these two guys is really the real thing. If you are serious about making money online, go to their site and read their articles. It won't cost you a single cents reading their post, and you judge for yourself are they showing you the way to make money online.

To be frank, I don't ever think that I will start blogging because I think I write lousy. If you go through all the previous posts on this blog, you probably agreed. They are nonsense, non value added articles, right? But, do you know that this type of writing can make tonnes of money also? I won't tell you how, you go to Griz and Vic site and read it yourself.

By the way, a bit disappointed that Asia'h Epperson is no longer on position 9 of the google search. Read on a SEO blog that Google has made some more Search Engine Result Page update in April, that's probably explain why the appear and disappear of my blog, Asia'h Epperson, in google.

Well, not too bad, at least it sits at number 9 for two days. Just pity that I forget to take a screenshot to prove that Asia'h Epperson was there before.

That's all for the day. Do come back and see how Asia'h Epperson is doing on the SERP.

Asia'h Epperson

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